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Are You In Control?

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01 Sandy is pressured to use contraception

Sandy is pressured to use contraception

3 1
Hey, I was thinking 🤔 you need to get the bar so you don’t get pregnant.
What are you talking about babe?
3 1
I have decided we’re not going to have a kid this year.
I thought we were trying though? I am a bit confused
3 1
I have already spoken to our families about how having a baby is not an option right now, and they all agree.
Where has this come from? I am not sure why you are speaking to others before talking to me??
3 1
I have changed my mind. That’s all that matters. If you don’t get the bar and get yourself pregnant I am out. You won’t get any help from me.

02 Elle is pressured to use contraception

Elle is pressured to use contraception

5 1
Right hun, we are off to a doctor’s appointment now.
Wait, for what?
5 1
We’re going to get you the injection just to make sure you don’t get pregnant.
What do you mean? I don’t know if I actually want to go on contraception right now?! 😬 And even if I did I don’t want the injection!
5 1
Well if you want to live in this house you WILL get the injection
What are you talking about? Jack and I are being careful, but we actually wouldn’t mind having a baby in the next year or two anyway.
5 1
Well that’s not happening under my roof. You can move out if you’d prefer.
Where will we go? You know getting a rental right now is insane right?!
5 1
That’s not my problem. You can choose – live here and get the injection, or move out. You coming?

03 Lee is pressured to have an abortion

Lee is pressured to have an abortion

6 1
Hey Mum, I’m kind of freaking out right now and need to talk to you 
What’s wrong??
6 1
I don’t really know how to tell you this 😬😬😬… 
It’s okay, whatever it is, we’ll work through it together
6 1
Well…I just took a pregnancy test and it came back positive 😳
6 1
Mum, I’m so scared… I don’t know what to do 🥺😢
I had no idea you were even having sex!
6 1
Well, I didn’t want you to freak out
And now look what’s happened! Do you know how much shame this would bring to our family? All because you were careless 🙁
6 1
Mum calm down, please. Can we talk about it tonight?
There’s no way you’re keeping this baby. Not if you want to live under this roof!

04 Fi is pressured to continue a pregnancy

Fi is pressured to continue a pregnancy

8 1
Um babe, it’s time to leave for the appointment. Are you still going to drive me?
3 1
8 1
The abortion! It’s today, remember?
3 1
Oh yeah. Well, I’m not taking you to that.
8 1
What do you mean? 😳 You know I can’t drive myself home. I mean, I guess I can find someone else to take me.
3 1
Yeah? And how will you pay for it? 💵
8 1
You transferred the $ right?
3 1
8 1
But you know the money is in your account babe! 😓 Why are you doing this? We decided this is the best decision for us.
3 1
Yeah well I’ve changed my mind. You’re not killing my baby.
8 1
I can’t believe this. I’m so confused 🥺.
3 1
Also, I told your parents and they’re so excited for us. You can’t have an abortion now or they’ll all know anyway.

05 Tia is pressured to continue a pregnancy

Tia is pressured to continue a pregnancy

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Hi! What can I help you with today?
So I’m a bit nervous to say, but I think I’m pregnant.
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Oh CONGRATULATIONS! What excellent news!
Actually. I’m not sure what I want to do. It’s not a good time for me right now to have a baby. I was wondering if we could talk about options?
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Unfortunately that’s not something we do here.
Um, okay… Could you please give me a referral to someone who can?
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I don’t know of anyone sorry and I don’t think your parents would approve of abortion, so if you continue down that path I will have to give your parents a call.
Don’t worry, I will see someone else. Please don’t call them.
I can refer you to a great obstetrician for pre natal care, and if you continue pregnancy I can keep this quiet for you for now.
Medical providers in Australia can not deny you access to abortion care and are required to refer you to someone who will help you access abortion care in a timely manner..

06 Hari pressured not to use contraception

Hari pressured not to use contraception

6 1
Hey babe, have you seen my pill packet? I swear it was in my bedside drawer… 🙃
3 1
Oh yeah, I threw it out.  I figure you don’t need it if you’re only sleeping with me. You don’t mind right?
6 1
Actually yes! It’s not about that! You know I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. I really don’t want to get pregnant.
3 1
Well  this is important to me. And if you do get pregnant, we would want the baby anyway right?
6 1
You know that’s not something I want right now.
3 1
Or maybe you’re just sleeping around and that’s why you want to be on the pill.
6 1
What are you talking about? You know that’s not true. I love you! ❤️
3 1
Well if you want to prove it to me, you can stop taking the pill!
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If you notice these behaviours in your relationship you might be experiencing RCA.

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